The Democratic Republic of North Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China, and the United States of America all claim to be Republics, but in reality, each is an oligarchy controlled by international bankers and Wall Street corporations.
The United States of America was originally founded as a Constitutional Republic. Through several decades of America’s existence, malfeasance, tremendous political greed, along with massive nonstop corruption and despotism coming from our so-called elected leaders, our once Sovereign Constitutional Republic has morphed first into a democracy (Mob Rule) where our rights have become privileges, and morphed yet again into what it is today; A ”Private for Profit” Foreign Owned & Controlled” CORPORATION.
From what can readily be discerned from watching today’s political arena unfold daily, it is becoming quite clear, that America is again morphing for a third time, into what will be an imperialistic, centralized, dictatorial, satanic-driven, and elite-controlled oligarchy, which will require the complete subservience of the citizenry, to the Totalitarian State.
In a Republican form of government, the rights of the people are protected against the tyranny of the majority as well as the tyranny of a minority.
Our version of a Republic was unique, in that it was created to be a Commonwealth of Freemen where the people lived in harmony with each other. Individuals were encouraged to make voluntary sacrifices for the mutual benefit of all. By volunteering to share our time, talent, and a portion of our harvest with others, we would follow the Teachings and Admonitions of Jesus Christ.
At the founding of America, John Adams, one of our Founding Fathers said:
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Morality and virtue were the foundations of our once Sovereign Constitutional Republic and those attributes were necessary for a Society to be FREE. Because of our People’s wilful ignorance and tremendous apathy through decades of our existence, a diabolical oligarchy has been allowed to take flight. Today it is in full swing, soon to be reaching its sinister and ominous completion. The belief that anyone could attain their individual version of success in a society, where upward mobility is possible for everyone, was what the American People once embodied and strived to attain. It was called the “American Dream.” That dream today has sadly morphed into the ”American Nightmare.”
Keith Broaders Author